
Pozvánka na mezinárodní setkání v Maďarsku a Nizozemí

4. Února 2013
Místo konání: 
Pécs, Delft

Dear All ,

I would like to draw your attention to the upcoming Symmetry Festival of 2013. As usual, aspects of symmetries in origami will be featured!

I have the pleasure to inform you that  the next Symmetry Festival is planned in Delft, The Netherlands, 2-7 August 2013.

 Please, bookmark and visit the following website often because it is refreshed continuously.


and keep your eyes on Facebook for upcoming page of this event. 

You are warmly welcome!

The deadline for handing in the extended abstracts is 4th March 2013!

Please, distribute the information to other origami friends and colleagues outside.

Thank you for your contribution to publicize the event, and especially to come and contribute to the program with your works and ideas.

The 24th Hungarian Origami Convention will be organized just after this event.

Date: 9-11 August 2013.

Location: Pécs (South Hungary, 200 km from Budapest)

Detailed information about our convention will be published later.

Page of the Hungarian Origami Society on Facebook:


The Hungarian Origami Society celebrates its 25th anniversary this year!

In case of any queries please contact me off-list.

See you in Delft/ The Netherlands and in Pécs/Hungary!

Best wishes,

Mariann Villányi,

Chair,  Hungarian Origami Society

Symmetry Festival Origami Section Coordinator